Speak With Your Own Voice to Emphasize Your Message
You have your message down. You know who you want to reach. You’re using all the right words. Or are you?
Your message is only as strong as the voice that speaks it. If the voice isn’t genuinely yours, the message gets lost in translation. The power behind the words goes from a roar to a whisper because the words aren’t spoken from your heart if they’re put together according to someone else’s rules.
Voice isn’t just about the sound the comes out of your mouth. It is how you put words together, the tone you project, and the feelings behind those words. When written or spoken well, there will be no question the words are a true expression of your feelings, and make your message a solid, 3-D projection. Unfortunately, we often try too hard to sound professional, or knowledgeable, or like everyone else in our field, and the words come out sounding stilted and unnatural.
Your True Voice Comes From Your Heart
But it’s scary to put your feelings out there. Whether it’s face-to-face or in writing on a website, blog site, social media, or marketing materials. There’s an inherent risk in exposing your true self to the world. We risk being the target for someone else’s projection of insecurity, fear, or low self-esteem. We need to learn and accept that those attacks are not directed at us, but from them. As such, we can choose to respond instead of reacting, but it requires us to step back and center ourselves first. It also means we have to feel comfortable being ourselves and ditching the masks and walls.
Finding your voice involves not only getting in touch with your heart but allowing it to show without reservation. When I was younger I was often accused of wearing my heart on my sleeve and ridiculed for doing so. I learned to hide my heart and my feelings to avoid the ridicule but lost my voice and so much more in the process. It’s been a long, hard road back, discovering who I truly am and being willing to stand up and be that person.
Attract Like-Minded People
We have to be willing to experience hurt; experience ridicule and still let our hearts spill forth. In time we learn the ridicule and even abuse are reflections of the person dishing it out and it’s our choice to allow it to hurt us or not while remaining true to ourselves. There will be far more who love and appreciate us for fearlessly being ourselves and putting our whole heart forward.
People often wonder why they continue to attract the same kinds of people; the same dysfunctional relationships; the same work environments they hate over and over. A lot of it has to do with what we project. When what we allow others to see is a false image of ourselves, whether physically or in the words we speak and write, we attract those who relate to that false image.
In order to attract what and who makes us feel whole, cherished, and complete, we have to allow what’s real in ourselves to show. At first, it might be a tiny flicker. A heartfelt comment on someone’s blog or social media page. The comment might be met with mixed reactions, but the positive ones will fan our spark into a larger flame, enabling us to let our heart take the lead a little more.
Using Your True Voice Is An Act of Courage
Ultimately, we can and do find the courage to let our heart lead whenever we write or speak, knowing we will make waves with some, and resonate with others. Those we resonate with will become clients, co-workers, friends, and more. Best of all, we’ll no longer attract the same dysfunctional relationships or soul-sucking jobs and clients.
I’ve made the journey from absolute disconnection to connecting more frequently. It’s still a journey so there are times I’ll snap back into my turtle shell when my heart gets smacked a little too hard. But the rewards for being open, honest, and true to myself far outweigh any pain I might endure from someone who lashes out from their own place of pain and misery. Most of the time, I can even tell the difference these days.
Learn More About Finding Your Unique Voice
I’ve made it my mission to help other people find their voice and use it to attract those with whom there’s synergy. If you would like to see how I can assist you in finding your voice, book a free call here: Schedule Appointment
I believe we need more people using their own voices as that is what will change the world for the better. Are you ready to be the change?
About the Author
Sheri Conaway is a writer, blogger, ghostwriter, and advocate for cats. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income. If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author. And check out her new group, Putting Your Whole Heart Forward.
Be sure to watch this space for news of the upcoming release of “Life Torn Asunder: Rebuilding After Suicide”.