conFinding Inspiration Your Way

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I look for signs and synchronicities in my life all the time, using them for guidance, and often, inspiration. Earlier this year I added another ritual to my daily routine. I pull a single Tarot card morning and night (most days), and write down a few thoughts the card inspires in me.
Sometimes it makes sense to me, and sometimes it doesn’t. I record it nonetheless as I’ve learned through long experience what doesn’t make sense today may trigger something a few days hence. I pay attention to memorable dreams for the same reason, recording them in my Morning Pages, or a Word document if they’re insistent enough.
Putting my thoughts and card pulls into a Word document allows me to look back and see if the guidance from previous cards means more today than it did on the day I pulled it. I also get to see whether cards, suits, or some of the more powerful court and Major cards are coming up more or less frequently.
Establishing a Consistent Practice
The first couple of days I started the practice, the cards were minor, number cards, but soon after, I started pulling predominantly court cards and Majors. Three cards in particular showed up repeatedly: Death, Justice, and The Tower.
I read Tarot intuitively, and am by no means an expert, though I’m told many professionals use their gut more than any predetermined meaning for the cards. Like anything else, it’s personal preference combined with the level of trust put in your own intuition. Mine is usually spot on, even when it doesn’t make sense to me at the time.
I see cards like Death, Justice, The Tower, The Devil, and a few others that might signal doom and gloom to others as indications that change is imminent, or the querent needs to face things head on, pushing away distractions and distortions. In the case of Justice, I see it as a time to cut through the crap and weigh everything as objectively as possible before deciding whether to move on, let go, or accept a new direction.
Priming the Brain to Manifest
I actually love seeing The Tower or The Chariot, both of which showed up in early January, as it means rapid changes are coming which might require destruction of old ways, or thought patterns. Many find this scary as they’re resistant to change, and often fearful. My biggest fear is stagnation, so when I see indications of impending change, I get excited.
Perhaps all I’m doing is priming my brain to manifest. I prefer to think I’m waking myself up to see what’s before me, but hiding until I’m able to open a channel for inspiration to reach my consciousness. I do know my card pulls are entirely random. I shuffle the deck several times before flipping through the cards with the back side facing me until my gut tells me I’ve reached the right one. To be honest, the twice daily messages have immediately resonated at least 85% of the time, if not more.
Each entrepreneur seeks guidance, inspiration, and motivation in their own way. Some of you are firmly ensconced in the here and now, trusting only in what you can see, feel, hear, read, and otherwise prove with logic. I tend to mix logic with intuition (perhaps why I consistently come up as INFP on any Myers-Briggs type test), and more than a little Spirituality. What works for me isn’t meant to work for you because we have different strengths, weaknesses and gifts.
Honoring Your Own, Unique Self
The key is to find not only what works for you, but how to prime the pump so to speak. Heaven knows there are enough books and courses available claiming to be able to teach you to be a successful entrepreneur. I’ve learned the best, most successful people can’t teach you to achieve comparable success if their methods don’t resonate with you.
If you have to force yourself to do something, you won’t find the joy and fulfillment you seek as an entrepreneur, much less the ability, or inspiration to sustain the processes and practices. The point of running your own show is getting to do what you love to do, right?
Viewed from the outside, my system probably looks like something I cobbled together from bits and pieces found on the cutting room floor. It’s an odd mosaic of pieces and parts that don’t quite seem to fit. Unless you’re following someone else’s plan, I’m willing to bet your system is much the same, especially if you’re a creative like me. You’ve gone through the same process of trial and error I have, and continue to do so, because it might not be broken, but your entrepreneurial nature insists you continue to refine and improve your processes, and keep inspiration flowing freely.
Inspiration Brings the Joy of Discovery
I’ve learned, half the fun lies in discovering new things, or new ways to do old ones. As I mentioned, stagnation is my biggest fear, so figuring out how to do something in the first place is simply a jumping off point for figuring out how to do it bigger, better, faster, brighter. I’m certainly in good company, else we’d still be doing many tedious tasks manually, or be using the desktop computers that were obsolete almost 40 years ago.
I, for one am grateful for the examples set by the innovators who came before me, and the ones who are around now. They keep me excited and striving to improve on what I’m already doing, even if it’s making little impact at the moment. The ones who ultimately impacted our world in major ways: the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Jim Henson, Theodore Geisel aka Dr. Seuss, just to name a few of my favorites, always looked for ways to improve on the crazy ideas they made happen.
They all set out to achieve the impossible and succeeded, yet never once did they say, “OK, that’s good enough. I can sit back and relax now, knowing my creation will take us through the next few centuries.” Like me, and many of you, they continued to look for better ways to do what they were doing, and as a result, came up with new things to do with what they’d started with a single idea; a single belief what they imagined was possible.
I use the Tarot cards to spark my intuition; to remind me nothing is impossible unless I allow myself to believe it is. Perhaps my methodology is too “woo woo” for many. Know the methods others use are too something for me. It doesn’t make any of us wrong. It makes us innovators and world-changers in our own right, using whatever methodology works for us. And isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it a gift in and of itself to be able to keep thinking, learning, developing, and embracing change?
About the Author
Sheri Conaway is a Holistic Ghostwriter, and an advocate for cats and mental health. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income.
If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author.
Be sure to watch this space for news of the upcoming releases of ” Rebuilding After Suicide” and “Sasha’s Journey”.