Cut the Crap and Make a Decision Already!
I’m an over-analyzer. It’s affected every decision I make, whether it’s business or personal for most of my life. My mind chews through a gazillion alternatives, and creates at least as many reasons why or why not, making actually doing the deed nearly impossible. Of course, my mind’s tendency to procrastinate loves it, but I don’t. Fortunately, I recently came across the philosophy of Ockham’s Razor which essentially advocates simplicity over complexity.
Though most decisions I need to make are hardly scientific in nature, it doesn’t preclude using scientific methodology to make them. I’m still weighing pros and cons, and speculating about potential outcomes, whether I’m conscious of it or not, so in it’s own way, every decision I make has a scientific component. This is certainly true of the choices I make regarding food!
I spoke about it recently on one of my daily Facebook Lives where I talked about how simplicity can be a real game changer. Everyone sets huge goals whether consciously or unconsciously. It’s the complications which truly determine whether or not those goals can be achieved. I’ve learned when I spend a lot of time hashing and rehashing the steps I need to get there, you don’t move towards it, but remain stagnant. The goals begin to look impossible, and too often, I would be inclined to give up because I made myself believe I’d never get there.
Baby Steps Instead of Giant Leaps
If instead I commit to taking the simplest steps; the ones that cause minimal resistance in my change-resistant brain, I make slow and steady progress towards those seemingly pie-in-the-sky goals without even realizing it. It won’t be long before the steps that seemed insurmountable or even downright scary are just another small step towards a goal that grows closer by the day. Soon, what was a speck in the far distance becomes a picture that’s starting to come into focus in all it’s beautiful, technicolor glory.
What isn’t apparent as I commit to taking one small, uncomplicated step at a time is I’ve acquired skills and tools along the way while doing things in smaller, less scary bites that make what once looked impossible totally achievable. I’ve learned to take a good, hard look at where I am now; everything I’ve achieved both physically and emotionally. I then look back 10 years, or even 20. My younger self wouldn’t have believed I could accomplish so much. They wouldn’t have even attempted things I consider simple, no-brainers now.
Over-complicating decisions is, in my opinion, the biggest show-stopper employed to kill dreams and goals before they begin. If you look at how hard the 500th step is, you’ll talk yourself out of the first one without a second thought. If you think about it, that’s completely backwards! Looking at a single step is so much easier than looking at a 26 mile marathon, right?
So why look at the whole race instead of what’s needed to take the first step, and start training for the marathon in small, manageable bites?
Other People’s Opinions Don’t Matter
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Change is scary. Yet at this point, the entire world has changed irrevocably. Not all of it has been recent either. Many have simply turned a blind eye to what’s happening, but a lot of changes were inflicted surreptitiously. I’m not talking about conspiracy theories here. But let’s face it. People have agendas. People in positions of power have bigger agendas. Plain and simple.
My goals and dreams, like everyone else’s are my own agenda, assuming I actually take steps to achieve them. In fact, one of the many arguments I make against taking those steps is how I believe they might negatively impact someone I think is important enough to toss aside my own dreams to please. I have to keep reminding myself of a couple of things. In the first place, no one is that important, and frankly, if someone cares about me they’ll encourage me to manifest my dreams, and would not be happy I allowed what are probably false expectations to stand in my way.
Staying in the vein of simplicity, if I think what I’m considering will negatively impact a person who’s important to me, I have to do the simple thing, and talk to them! What’s the worst thing they can say? “Don’t do it”? Chances are good they’ll be both encouraging and supportive. I’ve discovered lately I owe them the chance to weigh in instead of making assumptions, most of which are probably false.
Keep It Simple
Granted, my own fears might decide using someone else as an excuse for not moving forward is as good a choice as any for making the decision to shut down a dream I truly deserve to achieve. In the past, it’s the worst disservice I’ve done someone I love and respect.
If they ever found out, I used them as an excuse for failing myself they certainly won’t thank me for it. Nor would I if the shoe was on the other foot
As I see it, I have hopes and dreams for a reason. Not only was I meant to reach for the stars so to speak, in so doing, I’m making a contribution to humanity. Sure, what I dream, who I am, and the impact I make might seem small in comparison to others, but then, I remind myself to ask: why the heck am I comparing yourself to anyone else??? That is the worst roadblock of all and has so many variables and false assumptions to be tossed out completely when following the philosophy of Ockham’s Razor.
When all is said and done, I believe life is better, brighter, and more beautiful when we live it simply, be it by following Ockham’s philosophy, or the KISS principle (Keep it Simple, Stupid). The road ahead is smoother when every decision has the fewest variables, and every step leads easily into the next one. To put it another way, cut your life into smaller bites. You wouldn’t try to eat an entire steak in one mouthful. Why live your life as if you have to do everything at once, or else nothing at all?
About the Author
Sheri Conaway is a Holistic Ghostwriter, and an advocate for cats and mental health. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income.
If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author. And check out her new group, Putting Your Whole Heart Forward.
Be sure to watch this space for news of the upcoming releases of ” Rebuilding After Suicide” and “Sasha’s Journey”.