Creating Your Own Version of Normal

Why Be Normal?Life is changing. The box I was thinking outside of has taken on entirely new dimensions, or disappeared entirely. The old ways of doing; of being; what we considered normal are gone for good. What’s an entrepreneur to do?

The answer is ridiculously simple. As an entrepreneur, you typically laugh at conventional wisdom and follow your own path. So why should changing parameters cause more than a minor upheaval in your business life?

Sure, there are situations where it is inevitable:

  • Brick and mortar, “non-essential” businesses
  • Personal services which have to be done in person

I’m sure there are a few others, but these are the most obvious. Many in the first category have already beefed up their online ordering. Though shipping is slower while UPS, FedEx, USPS, and others are facing overwhelm due to increased online orders, and items are going out of stock for the same reason, it’s an option to, if not keep the doors open, at least maintain a steady flow of income. Though normal levels may not be possible, some is better than none, right?

Old Marketing Patterns Need to Change

If my own email boxes are any indication, businesses are getting more aggressive about Attract, don't sellattracting sales. I get at least 2 emails a day from Kohl’s, Costco, Staples, Groupon, and Rakuten. Even companies who promote attracting clients vs. chasing them have been flooding my inbox of late. Methods vary, but all are saying in one way or another that I need something they’re selling, and, much like the Jesus freaks of yore, I somehow won’t be complete without it. For the record, I don’t subscribe to that approach, nor do those companies get my business unless they have something I absolutely need right now, and at a price I’m willing to pay.

That isn’t to say making yourself both visible and readily available isn’t a good idea. Speaking to service-based businesses like mine, and the wealth of promotions out there, people still need us. The challenge is figuring out where we need to show up so those who do need us know how to reach us, and know what we have to offer, and more importantly, that it is the best solution for them. Now, more than ever, having an online presence is essential.

For many of us, Facebook isn’t really the answer unless you’ve already created a group that’s extremely active and engaged in what you do. Otherwise, I’m learning LinkedIn, Alignable, and perhaps some others I’ve yet to discover cater more to the needs of entrepreneurs who have established a more business-like image, and wish to promote themselves to others with that vision.

Revisiting Your Message as the New Normal Emerges

Still, you have to hone your message which, in the words of one of the experts means “test, tweak, repeat” until what you’re putting out there is yielding the results you seek. I honestly wish I was better at creating those effective promotional messages right now. I’m sure copywriters of that nature are inundated with work as more and more entrepreneurs take their business online.

While I know there’s still a call for copy that engages and connects rather than asking for immediate sales, it’s a harder road to travel, and a tougher sell to those who want income now instead of seeing the wisdom of establishing long-term relationships to carry them into the future. In other words, many are looking for short-term gains right now in an economy that shows evidence of future instability.

Like many of you, I know it means I have to look for different kinds of opportunities, and maybe even reinvent myself a little. Doing so is really an opportunity in itself. How many people get to create more than one version of themselves when it comes to their career? These are exciting times, if you look at it from the proper perspective.

Abundant Opportunities to Reinvent Yourself

The ability to alter your perspective and see opportunities instead of setbacks is what will give you an advantage in the coming months. The setbacks are all too easy to see as they’re blasted at us via conventional and social media. But the truth isn’t in the headlines, nor in the fatalistic stories, and it’s certainly not in blaming someone or something. It’s in learning to adapt to changing circumstances calmly, and maybe even a bit calculatingly.

For example, I may need to bite the bullet and learn how to write copy that sells. It isn’t what I love to do, but to be honest, I didn’t really give it a fair chance. I have to be willing to consider I might find I’m better at it than I allowed myself to believe. Maybe there’s something you’ve ruled out that deserve another chance too?

For now, I think keeping options open, and doing some brainstorming is going to yield the best, and perhaps unexpected results. My new mantra is:

There are no bad ideas


About the Author

Sheri Conaway is a Holistic Ghostwriter, and an advocate for cats and mental health. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income. If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author. And check out her new group, Putting Your Whole Heart Forward.

Be sure to watch this space for news of the upcoming releases of ” Rebuilding After Suicide” and “Sasha’s Journey”.