Getting Down to Business

As I prepare to go through the second edit/revision of Sasha’s Journey, I’ve been indulging myself in some reading. But not just any reading. This time, I’m studying writing. For the task, I’ve set aside The Writer’s Compass in favor of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style and Stephen King’s On Writing.

One thing I’m learning is that there are many opinions on the best way to write and you just have to find the ones whose writing styles are closest to your own. As I am a pantser rather than a plotter, Stephen King’s take on the matter makes me sit up and say Oh, yes! That’s why I have to do it the way I do! The characters really are in charge of the story.

That is not to say that I won’t continue to work my way through Holly Lisle’s How to Think Sideways course since I can use every tool I can master in my writer’s toolbox. But I will also spend time with Ray Bradbury and his book Zen in the Art of Writing especially since he was one of the early influencers of my love of reading and writing.

I’ll continue to post brief updates of my process and progress right here. My initial goal will be once a week as I have the original Leaps of Faith Blog to maintain as well. But do check back often as I’ll do my best to refrain from duplicating my stories in the two blogs.

Write On!