<h2><em><strong><span style=” font-family: lucida sans; font-size:large;”> And a good time was had by all</span></strong></em></h2>
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>A few of the “older crowd” put on our Halloween party duds and added another night of dancing to our schedule tonight. While the festivities started a bit later, there were no lessons to interrupt the fun, so I’d guess we got almost as much dancing in as on a regular night, and with far fewer bodies on the dance floor to get in our way. All in all, the two couples, two single ladies and one single man made the very most of our dance time, and came away quite satisfied with this deviation from both ours and the club’s norm.
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>Unwinding from dancing by driving to my daughter’s is becoming less novel these days. I’m slowly starting to recognize land marks and points which mean x number of minutes left before I arrive. Regardless of whether I leave from home or the dance hall, I’ve pared the trip, pretty consistenly, down to 2 1/2 hours. Time goes even faster in the late evenng when traffic has thinned and the music from my CD’s (yes, some of us still use those!) keeps me occupied as I belt out the songs along with Terry and Jennifer and all of their friends.
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>I find it interesting how the same amount of time can pass at different speeds, depending on what you’re doing. For example, 10 minutes on any cardio machine (stairmaster, eliptical, treadmill, etc,) seems like a lifetime to me, but 3 hours of dancing or 2 1/2 hours of driving to see my daughter and grand furries passes like nothing. The visits themselves, blow by even faster!
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>Now, why is that? Time is time, right? In our reality, it doesn’t fold over on itself…or does it? Could there be some weird time shifting phenomenon which causes time to pass more quickly when we are doing something enjoyable and more slowly when we’re doing something we consider a chore or tedious? This is completely different from an earlier discussion aboiut time being stolen from us, a fraction of a second at a time. I could easily be convinced that on the weekends I visit with my daughter, the days are really some fraction of the normal twenty-four hours. There’s simply no way it seems to be over before it’s begun unless the time bandits are at work in their nefarious ways.
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>I’ll bet this could be explained by those guys who’ve mastered quantum physics. They’re likely to have the answers ready, just waiting for someone like me to ask. If you ask me, it’s high time someone asked them to share what they know. If they’re waiting until we’re ready for such world shaking revelations, I say, the time is now! We need to know so we can figure out how to prolong those wonderful, joyous times and get past the chores, the sad times, the tedious stuff…much faster and with less time dragging.
<h2><em><strong><span style=” font-family: lucida sans; font-size:large;”> Let’s hear it for more Disneyland time and less work time.</span></strong></em></h2>
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>Although, I really should qualify that a little. If you’re one of the lucky few who really love the work they do, then by all means, keep it in the “Disneyland” column. And to be fair, for those who find Disneyland tedious, you can put that in your “work and drudgery” column. Aren’t we lucky we can choose what to like and what to suffer through?
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>I’m using the iPad with keyboard tonight, both because I’m on the road and because my daughter is between internet carriers at the moment. As a result, I’m going to keep this post a little shorter as typing on this thing is just not optimum. I brought my laptop along for the serious, NaNoWriMo writing which can just be checked into the website either when I find a Starbuck’s or when I get home. Thinking back, I started last year’s effort a couple of days into it anyway, so though I <em>will</em> be writng this weekend (If I don’t, my brain will surely explode as it’s been ready for over a week!), the NaNoWriMNo site might not see ny progress for a couple of days. Then it will appear that I went on a veritable writing binge in order to catch up!
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>My gratitudes tonight are:
1. I am grateful that NaNoWriMo is finally here.
2. I am grateful for a truly delightful evening with a few of my dance friends.
3.I am grateful for a weekend of fun and froliic with my daughter as well as snuggles from my grand furries.
4. I am grateful for the over 13,000 steps I did, without even realizing I was moving that much!
5. I am grateful that moving a lot is getting so much easier
6. I am grateful for abundance: time, love,movement, inspiration, dancing, friendship, health, harmony, peace, forgiveness and prosperity.
<span style=”font-family: lucida sans; font-size: small;”>Namaste
And now for some shameless self-promotion: I’d love it if you’d visit my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SheriLevensteinConawayAuthor?ref=aymt_homepage_panel. I’ve created this page as a means of positive affirmation and would be very grateful if you’d “like” it or leave a comment! Thank you!