What to do when a blog topic simply won’t come.
As if I didn’t need further proof, today I better understood why I tend to write best late at night. But since I vowed to write my blog earlier in the day to leave the night free for my latest NaNoWriMo challenge I needed to find a way to rattle the cobwebs and find a topic. Yet I sat here for awhile and could come up with nothing, so I did the next best thing and went into the living room to meditate.
With Munchkin curled happily in my lap and two heart stones tucked close to mine, I drifted into that world where I’m sometimes completely lucid, while others, tossed into a dream with hidden meanings for me to decipher. This time, I got a little of both, possibly exacerbated by a night of interrupted sleep, thanks to the return of the winds from which this town got its name and a squealing attic fan above my bedroom which the winds turned into the proverbial squeaking wheel.
I won’t go into the dream part here, though I’ve tried to document it elsewhere for dissection later. What did come out was part of a verse from “Alice in Wonderland”. Unfortunately, when I awoke, the actual verse had slipped my mind. After digging through my only minimally organized library to no avail, I decided to search the internet and, fortunately, found success when I read the line in question which happens to be from the poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter” and looks like this:
“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things:
Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
Of cabbages–and kings–
And why the sea is boiling hot–
And whether pigs have wings.”
I realized that in the hundreds of thousands of words I’ve typed over the last few years (closing in on six at this writing), I have, indeed, talked of cabbages, kings, and everything in between at one point or another. I have used this as a forum to discuss topics both inflammatory and benign. I have had seemingly benign topics taken out of context to become inflammatory, and have learned more about myself and some of my friends and acquaintances than I ever would have had I not just opened up and talked about whatever came to mind.
Life: The ultimate learning experience
I had no idea when I began this journey how something which is both simple and complicated; being open and honest about my thoughts, feelings and experiences; would resonate with so many people, and give them the opportunity to, in turn, share what they’d kept to themselves as well. It seems that by opening up one’s soul, we provide a safe place for someone else to do the same.
I’ve also learned that when someone shuts down on me, it is part of their own journey and nothing to do with me. Though at times, it is still difficult to not take it to heart, I do accept that the person has their own reasons and the right to see what I do and say as threatening to their well-being and to do what they feel is necessary to protect that. (a couple of people where I dance come to mind. One who stopped speaking to me around the time she got married for reasons I cannot fathom, and another when I touched too closely on a personal issue, and pressed too hard to help her heal something she wasn’t ready to release). I remind myself that it is not required that they explain themselves to me, but just for me to accept their choices, learn from my own reactions and move on. As far as I know, that is all their time in my life was meant to do.
Thankfully, most of the experiences I’ve had have been incredibly positive and have helped me to grow in ways I can clearly see. I used to say “If I touch only one life and make it a little better, I’ve been successful here.” While it has been nice to hear that I have done so a time or two, it is more fulfilling to just keep putting myself out there, allowing the Universe to take my words where it may and use them as it will to help someone through a tough time, or even better, help them learn the lessons I struggle with; patience, kindness, compassion, acceptance; and spread what they’ve learned around as well.
When we fight “against” something, what we really do is make it stronger by giving it our energy.
I’ve long contended that if you want a weed to wither and die, you deny it food and water. In the case of things which involve humans; war, hatred, poverty, politics; the food is our energy, our attention. I’m learning that it is more than just a waste of energy to hate someone or something. It’s a giving away of power, and makes them stronger! While I certainly am no saint and cannot love those who have hurt me, others I care about or the world in general, I am learning to simply withdraw my attention. It might be a clear withdrawal like blocking someone on social media or from commenting on my blog, but usually, it’s just walking away from the topic in general.
You could say I put my head in the sand because I don’t listen to the news or seek it out on the ‘net any more. That’s your prerogative. I like to think of it as paying attention to the things that truly matter; the lives and comfort of the men and women who are sent to fight those wars; the fireman saving a kitten; the human beings behind the hopelessness of homelessness, the success stories of those who seek compassionate treatment of stray and abandoned animals, abused children and people who might make a better life for themselves with a little bit of help through a tough time.
So if I fail to show interest in the atrocities our media tells us are being committed by another government, or the constant bashing going on in our political system, or the latest drive by shooting…this is my way of trying to change things. I use my energy to send compassion to both victim and perpetrator (because, in truth, isn’t someone who commits an atrocity on another soul a victim themselves?), to cheer every success story I see from animal rescue groups and activists and, yes, to share my journey, both successes and failures as well.
Not everyone is ready for the concept of healing from our energy field in, but should we withhold our energy from them when they need it?
The world is changing…no, the world mind is changing. More and more people are embracing healing practices which look at the Human Energy Field and the Universal Energy Field. Many realize that the maladies we humans suffer come through those energy fields and as such, can be healed there as well. But not everyone is ready to embrace this. As I found out the hard way, some want to hang onto whatever it is that makes them ill, not because they want to be ill, but because they feel comfortable with the thing which they cling to. It’s safe and it’s familiar. They do, however, feel comfortable with the prayers of others, or healing energy, little knowing that, in truth, they are simply using the energy infusion from others through their thoughts to heal themselves.
I have friends who have come far enough along in their evolution towards Divinity and connection with their Higher Self that they seek answers when they feel less than 100%, and want to know if something in their past, their present or their ancestry is keeping them from being well. Others are just not ready to embrace such concepts. Neither one is wrong. They are simply following their own path, and it is for me and others as well to simply provide what is needed at the level to which it can be accepted.
If I’ve learned nothing else, it is that we are all in this together, be we cabbages, kings or anything in between.
I used to struggle with the concepts of religion and spirituality, but more, of where I fit in in the general scheme of things. Strangely enough, it was the original Star Wars movies which first began resonating with me, and from there, I arrived at the feeling that we are all connected, a sort of Universal mind. As a result, I sought out books, videos, webinars and other learning tools to help me grasp a concept which is so much bigger than a single human being. What I found was that I am not a single human being. I am Source, and Source is me. Every human being, every animal, everything which has a soul (and who am I to decide who and what that might be?) is in me. I am all of the good, the bad, the in between, the things I love and the things I hate but try not to…in short, we are all intimately connect by the Universal Energy Field. Like a circle, there is no beginning and no end.
And so, I’ll go on writing about cabbages and kings and everything in between.
My gratitudes today are:
1. I am grateful for all I have learned and all I have yet to learn.
2. I am grateful for the people who encourage me to keep writing, even if they are simply followers of my blog or hits on my stats.
3. I am grateful for the methods I have learned to trigger creativity.
4. I am grateful for lazy days spent hiding from the howling wind, warm and safe in my house with kitties who need cuddling.
5. I am grateful for the relationship I have with my daughter, Heather. While sometimes turbulent (as most mother-daughter relationships can be) she is one of my dearest friends and most prolific teachers.
And now for some shameless self-promotion:
I’d love it if you’d visit my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SheriLevensteinConawayAuthor?ref=aymt_homepage_panel. I’ve created this page as a means of positive affirmation and would be very grateful if you’d “like” it or leave a comment! Thank you!