Going with the Flow
It goes without saying that when we tense up, we halt the flow. Whether it’s blood to our muscles or ideas to our brain, trying to control things rather than allowing them to happen in their natural time and order is an exercise in futility. Yet as a creative type, I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in fighting my frustration and trying to drag ideas out of the depths of my consciousness when they’re not flowing as I think they should.
Unfortunately, when I start pushing, ideas, like dreams, drift further and further from my reach; will-o’-the-wisps teasing my consciousness but never materializing enough for me to capture and record them for either current or future development.
Meditation helps. Stopping to breathe helps too. Nothing is as effective as reminding myself to stay present, and take each moment as it comes. Like patience, I struggle to maintain Presence, and as such, keep the ideas flowing freely.
Free Writing Breaks Down Barriers to the Smooth Flow of Ideas
Probably my most effective idea generator these days is the practice of writing Morning Pages (for more on this, see Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”). The combination of letting my thoughts flow onto the page unhindered, the physical act of writing longhand, and doing it first thing in the morning before email, social media, or telephone interfere elicits the creative flow which is responsible for a high percentage of my topics for blogs, articles, and conversations lately. I finally took to using color coded sticky notes and highlighters to identify topics and the source of each idea. If nothing else, my Morning Pages are quite colorful now with six or seven pending topics (and their associated sticky note) at any given time.
Of course, seeing so many sticky notes can also be overwhelming (so much to write, so little time), and for a few days, I succumbed to that overwhelm with the end result; more sticky notes added and none removed. Thankfully, the moment passed, I kicked myself out of the hole I’d dug, and started working my way through those ideas again (with a little help from Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, and friends).
What Hinders Our Natural Flow?
Many things get in the way for Creatives (though I suspect they misdirect other types as well). Procrastination, overwhelm, imposter syndrome, fear, even depression; at one time or another, I’m mired by each, until I remember to get out of my own way and just sit down in front of the computer, or take my pad and pens to a cafe and allow the words to flow, unhindered by my restless brain.
This week, I found another reason to stop and be a motionless lump. I wasn’t “feeling” the next topic I had lined up. Instead of moving on to the next one, I fought with myself over sitting down to write it and—you guessed it, didn’t write a single word. It actually took someone else’s suggestion that I put it aside and move on to the next before I got out of my rut and began to write. After all, there wasn’t any rule stipulating I had to write the topics in order, right? When I did, my world opened up in unexpected ways, and got me back on track to having at least 2 weeks worth of posts written, formatted, and scheduled.
A Clear Space Equals a Clear Mind
As an avid follower of The Laws of Attraction I know consciously I have to set intentions, then get out of my own way, watching and listening for signs. I must be poised and ready to act when the next opportunity arrives. But sometimes it’s infuriatingly difficult to wait until that happens. Impatience sets in and all the other things I have to accomplish aren’t enough to occupy my mind. Little do I realize while I’m frustrated and impatient, those are the times when what I actually need to do is complete the tasks I already have on my plate!
Like all the spaces I’ve cleared in my physical environment which cause me to smile when I see them, there’s definite satisfaction in getting tasks cleared as well. In fact, if I’d only stop to think about it sometimes, I can’t move forward or see the next step on my journey until some of those tasks are cleared away! If only I could see that as clearly while mired in the darkness as I do after I’ve found the light switch!
In the end, it’s all about clearing space and making room, whether it’s open space in your environment, or in your schedule. Either way, you can only pile so much stuff on a surface or a to-do list before something breaks or breaks down. I’ve learned creativity needs a lot of room to move around, and hates being confined. That doesn’t mean there aren’t those who work best with some kind of structure or outline. I may not be one of them, but I respect the processes that work for others. Thank goodness we don’t all do things the same way! How boring would that be?
Respecting Our Personal Processes
Whatever our processes might be, we need to not only understand but respect them. Whether it’s a particular time of day, a mindset, or an environment. We can all find what works best for us if we stop and sit quietly at least once a day and allow our world to unfold as it’s best, most effective and productive self. At times productivity means simply sitting quietly and Being.
I’ve always been a fan of the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” which takes a quote from the Bible (which I’ll probably misquote) that says “To everything there’s a season and a time to every purpose”.
I understand it to mean there’s a time and a place for creating clutter, and a time for clearing it; a time to be balls-to-the-wall productive, and a time to sit quietly and allow ourselves to find peace in doing nothing overtly productive for a little while. Every step we take when we’re not fighting ourselves and whatever guidance we subscribe to (Universe, God, Source, Buddha, Allah, or any of the others) puts us in precisely the right spot in our cycle we’re supposed to be. Now if I could just learn to follow my own advice!
About the Author
Sheri Conaway is a writer, blogger, ghostwriter, and advocate for cats. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income. If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author.. And check out her new group, Putting Your Whole Heart Forward.
Be sure to watch this space for news of the upcoming release of “Life Torn Asunder: Rebuilding After Suicide”.