Happiness Runs in a Circular Motion
For the last few days, I’ve sought to commune with my muse, but she is a fickle creature and has proven elusive. As a result, I’ve been battling frustration, anxiety and twitchiness which left me with two unproductive days. Instead of devoting the necessary hours to revising Sasha’s Journey I’ve played computer games, watched a little TV and done household chores (ok, so that’s marginally productive).
Today, out of sheer desperation, I decided to go in another direction. I put my Accountant’s hat on and brought my personal books up-to-date. It has yet to increase my progress on the novel, but at least I’m 3/4 of the way done with this year’s financial obligations to myself.
Having something as simple as financial stuff and laundry behind me does make me happy as it really is the simple things that do. But being able to do more than a couple of chapters in 3 days would make me even happier. When I went back over the 2 chapters I revised Friday night/Saturday morning, I had to almost completely re-do what I’d done, it was so dreadful! Yet, the chapter I started working on afterwards went no better. We’ll see how it goes now that I’ve cleared my slate a bit.
Move the Body, Move the Mind
I’ve also considered getting back into my gym routine now that everything is getting back to normal. Even the morning stretches my cat’s abhor (mostly because it delays their breakfast) have settled into a nice little habit. But they don’t replace the lovely burn I get from lifting weights. If nothing else, I should consider incorporating some weight work into the nights I watch more TV than is good for me. As it is, I can’t sit still for very long anyway, so I might as well use the time productively, eh?
Life really is a series of changes, adjustments and experiments. Some things work, others don’t. Some of the things that work only do for a little while and others are good for longer, though I’ve yet to find anything that works in exactly the same manner forever. Change is a good thing. Whether we realize it or not, changing things up keeps us fresh and alive. I know what it feels like to be in a rut, and I don’t like that feeling.
As usual, writing about something has brought me to the cause and effect portion of this broadcast. I had apparently gotten into a rut and my muse was the first to jump ship until I did something about it. Though I still have a ways to go, I know what needs to be done. On the top of the list, as is always the case is more decluttering. I look around my office and see things which need to be put away, given away or discarded. I think it was really brought home to me when my free weights fell behind the rolling file cabinet today. When I retrieved them, I found the webcam I’ve been tearing my office apart to find for months. I’d finally just assumed it was gone, when, lo and behold, it reappears! And with it, a strong admonition about my housekeeping skills.
Figuring out the Lesson in the Madness
So what have I learned from this? I need to change things up. I need to take care of other aspects of my life sometimes and leave the writing be for just a bit, and it had best be a short bit. Most of all, I need to take a serious look at where I can put in some effort to improve the life I’m making for myself.
What do you do when you’re stuck?
My gratitudes today are:
1. I am grateful for the little epiphanies. They grow up and become huge ones in time.
2. I am grateful I can recognize when I’m spinning my wheels fruitlessly so I can turn them in a different direction.
3. I am grateful for the people with whom I interact both directly and virtually. They set some amazing examples and challenge me to be better.
4. I am grateful for my multi-talented self. I don’t have to rely on any one aspect, but can gather them together and use whatever is working best on any particular day.
5. I am grateful for abundance: inspiration, motivation, challenges, lessons, joy, harmony, peace, love, friendship, philanthropy and prosperity.
Write On!
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