Errands and chores and bills, Oh, my!

We all have those days. You know the kind. When we have to use most of our waking hours doing things which are necessary rather than things which are pleasurable. In my case, it means running errands, paying bills, doing chores I’ve put off for too long…all of that fun stuff; when what I’d rather be doing is playing with my Tarot cards or researching a blog topic or working on my book.

I did allow myself a bit of pleasure, though, and sprang for a very nice foot massage. My poor feet have been called upon to work overtime more often than not these days, between trips to the County Fair, visits with my daughter and errands, errands, errands! So I decided to give them a treat…and then make them run those errands! Aside from the small treat, I promised everyone that I would get up early tomorrow, get my neglected workout in and get some of the fun stuff done afterwards.

Needless to say, I have not yet gotten the information together for the knee jerk post, so I fear, dear readers, that you’ll have to give me another day or so to come through on my promise. In the meantime, I’ll just ramble a bit about the juggling act we all do (some, more than others) with the things we must do vs. the things we want to do!

Back in the days when I had a day job which required me to show my face at an office five days a week, that was the biggest item on my “must do” list. Since I took leave of that particular rat race, though, I’ve created one of my own design which works…sometimes. I have to stay on my single employee to stay focused and refrain from wasting entire days lollygagging and frittering. Which is why I allow said employee a day here and there which is earmarked precisely for lollygagging and frittering. I’ve learned that if I keep my employee happy, the productive days can be amazing. Admittedly, I haven’t seen one of those amazing days in a couple of weeks, but I know it’s coming!

Sometimes, it just takes knocking a few things off of the To Do list to shake the cobwebs loose and get the creative juices flowing. So, with a little bit of butt kicking, I made that day today so that the next few days will see me finishing the last few pages of my book. I’ve given myself a deadline, you see, because I’ll be spending some more time at my daughter’s house since she keeps tempting me with inexpensive concert tickets. At this point, she’ll be luring me down to visit my grand furries in about a week and a half and again, in early September. Sneaky kid! She knows how much I hate to be away from home for very long! I’m beginning to think she’s trying to reprogram me so I’ll be willing to take a longer trip with her one of these days!

Ah, but the little voice in my head reminds me: “Change is good for the soul. Besides, the more places you go, the more story ideas you might find!” I just hate when those darned voices make perfect sense, don’t you?

But errands are run and chores are done, so tomorrow, dear readers, I can do the research necessary to produce an interesting and intriguing post on knee jerk behavior. Stay tuned!

My gratitudes tonight are:
1. I am grateful that I can mark lots of things off of my To Do list.
2. I am grateful to be able to clear my plate of mundane matters, leaving room for the fun ones.
3. I am grateful for change as it adds new dimension to both my life and my writing.
4. I am grateful for outside influences which are making me think even further outside of the box.
5. I am grateful for abundance which is available to everyone, just for the asking: Joy, Love, Happiness, Harmony, Peace, Health and Prosperity.
