Getting Our Guidance from an Influencer or Changemaker
At least one of my LinkedIn connections describes himself as someone who helps “changemakers” do something better. Typically, it’s related to marketing in some way. It made me wonder, what does it take to be a changemaker, and am I one?
In today’s digital environment a lot of new buzzwords pepper our entrepreneurial landscape. Words and phrases I remember from my corporate days like “paradigm”, “sense of urgency”, and “metrics” have been replaced by “authenticity”, “influencer”, and “changemaker”. Sales has been split into different camps, at least as I see it. There are those who still follow the old styles of get in your face and shove a product down your throat marketing. Others have taken a kinder, gentler approach and focus on building relationships.
In some ways, the lines of demarcation are simple. Those who want to make a quick sale and get out are still bombarding us with information and cutesy marketing gimmicks. Businesses who want long-term clients are leaning more towards relationship marketing. This isn’t a hard and fast rule. There are certainly overlaps. Just as there are people who promote and teach each methodology.
Deciding What You Want and Who To Follow
I suppose the ones who develop a following become Changemakers, and when the following gets big enough (like Tony Robbins or Brene Brown) they become Influencers. Did they set out to become a household name? To influence thousands of people? To see their words quoted all over the internet, and even in traditional publications? Perhaps. But at some point, they were simply a person with an idea, like you and me. And someone in their past spoke words that made them stand up and listen.
Sometimes, figuring out what you truly want to do is the hardest part of getting started. Often, you take an entirely different path for a long time like I did. You wander around, earning a decent living, but knowing something is wanting. You might not grow to hate what you’re doing, but at some point, you realize there’s a huge gap between what you do all day, 5 days a week and what you love doing.
Will You Make a Living or a Life?
Too many of you are taught that your primary responsibility is to make a decent living, e.g. lots of money. The idea of loving what you do first is considered laughable at best. You’re discouraged from following a passion which isn’t known to be financially rewarding. Things like music, art, poetry, cooking—they’re fine as a hobby, but you’ll never get rich doing that; or so you’re told.
You might have bought into society’s myopic viewpoint which rewards those who spend a lifetime doing something they’re reasonably good at, but whose only reward is money. Some catch themselves before the spark inside completely dies, but how many never do?
I think the increased dissatisfaction, stress, and unhappiness has fueled an industry of speakers, coaches, and ultimately, Influencers and Changemakers. People are looking for solutions; looking for ways to have it all. The trouble is, many don’t even know what “all” is. If your “all” is based on money and possessions, you can be certain you’re missing the point.
Learning to Speak Your Truth
One thing the Influencers have in common is they’re powerful speakers. They make people believe their words, and never forget words are powerful. Some like the infamous Jim Jones misuse that power and convince people to do things they’d never in a million years have done on their own. Some, like Tony Robbins beat people down in order to redirect their thoughts and beliefs (though this is one woman’s opinion. I realize many of his followers have done well by following his guidance). If it’s not obvious yet, the ones who make the most sense to me use a kinder, gentler approach. They don’t try to convince at all. Even with people they’ll never meet face-to-face, they build a connection; a relationship.
When I watch Brene Brown‘s videos or read her words, I feel like we’re on the same wavelength. We’ve had our share of challenges and aren’t afraid to admit it. We have our flaws and own them. I truly believe I’d feel comfortable should I meet her at a party or conference rather than intimidated as I would in the presence of a charismatic, hard-driving speaker like Tony Robbins. In other words, she connects with me though she’ll never really see evidence of that connection herself.
Choosing the Best Influencer for You
Not everyone wants or needs a Brene Brown kind of connection. In fact, I suspect there are those who’d find it uncomfortable or even painful. They’re not ready to get in touch with their vulnerability. You have to find your own fit. That fit might be different as your life progresses too. Lessons you learn, experiences you weather, and how you manage pain and trauma have a huge effect on what you want in your life.
When I was shut away in my self-imposed prison where emotions and connections weren’t allowed to enter, there was no way I’d have found Brene Brown appealing. She’d have been a threat to my carefully constructed walls. I’d have been quite happy having someone beat their ideas into me to take or leave as I see fit. When I was ready, I started slowly, and Linda Clay was there to help me navigate the new terrain.
Letting the walls down and allowing all the messy emotions in takes courage. Allowing other people to see your imperfections without wavering under their examination takes a confidence that is rarely innate. It’s built out of all the broken pieces; all the disappointments; all the times you bent almost double, but managed to spring back. The courage to allow others to see the cracks comes only after you learn their opinion is the least dangerous and challenging thing you’ll encounter.
By the time you’ve lived enough of life to know you can’t be broken or kept down for long, you’ve probably listened to your share of powerful speakers. You might be the next Influencer or Changemaker yourself. If not, it isn’t for lack of ability. It’s simply not the path you choose to take. What makes you feel happy and fulfilled is accomplished less visibly, but no less powerfully.
About the Author
Sheri Conaway is a writer, blogger, ghostwriter, and an advocate for cats and mental health. Sheri believes in the Laws of Attraction, but only if you are a participant rather than just an observer. Her mission is to Make Vulnerable Beautiful and help entrepreneurs touch the souls of their readers and clients so they can increase their impact and their income. If you’d like to have her write for you, please visit her Hire Me page for more information. You can also find her on Facebook Sheri Levenstein-Conaway Author or in her new group, Putting Your Whole Heart Forward